The Game-Changing Role of AI in Vacation Rental Advertising

Posted on Categories Myrtle Beach Web Design, Pay Per Click, Vacation Rental MarketingTags , , , , ,

With the growing influence of AI in digital marketing, many property managers are curious about how this technology can help them improve their own advertising efforts. The truth is, AI Read More...

New Year, New Marketing Tips & Tricks!

Posted on Categories Analytics, Blogging, Email Marketing, Pay Per Click, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media

As the New Year starts to kick-off, companies ask themselves a few questions about their vacation rental digital marketing efforts.

“Is this the year I create that new marketing plan I always Read More...

The Benefits of Using Video and YouTube Ads for a Vacation Rental Property.

Posted on Categories Pay Per Click, Vacation Rental MarketingTags , , , , ,

Why Should You Market Your Vacation Rental Management Business with Videos?

The increase in travel video viewings has been attributed to the growing popularity of mobile devices for video consumption. As a result, it’s never been more important for you to include videos Read More...


Posted on Categories Blogging, Pay Per Click, Search Engine Optimization, Vacation Rental MarketingTags , , ,

Are you managing your Adwords budget efficiently during COVID-19 travel?

In the world of Digital Marketing, every question has the same answer, “It depends”.No two clients are the same Read More...

Google Ads – Better Start Equals A Better Return on Investment

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Google Ads can be a great source of revenue for your company as well as a better way to get your brand on top of the page. The downside of Google Ads is that if you do not approach it properly, you Read More...

How To Generate Direct Bookings

Posted on Categories Pay Per Click, Search Engine Optimization, Vacation Rental Marketing, VRMA Community

By Vanessa Humes

Recently HomeAway has let their customers know that they will be changing the way that leads communicate with companies and owners that list their properties on HomeAway.

As one of the

Gaining Real Estate With Your AdWords

Posted on Categories Pay Per Click


Looking to boost your Google AdWords presence? It doesn’t always have to come down to boosting your ad spend. Ad extensions are a great tool that can help draw in the attention of a potential customer by taking up more ad space than your competitors.

Beware The Poor Landing Page – Tips & Tricks On More Conversions With Paid Advertising

Posted on Categories Pay Per Click

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard it.

A client is not interested in pay per click ads as a potential advertising channel. They’ll say:

But I’ve tried it before — the return was awful.

Of course, most of the time, the ad account did a poor job with:

  • Match types
  • Keyword grouping
  • Negative keywords
  • Poor quality score and ad placement

Along with a host of other problems.

The Pragmatic Approach for Targeting Vacationer Demographics

Posted on Categories Analytics, Email Marketing, Pay Per Click, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, Vacation Rental Marketing

The vacation rental industry is an 85 billion dollar industry with virtually every demographic planning a dream vacation, year after year. A majority of vacation rental managers often realize too late about vacant inventory. Focused solely on families (or vice versa) this late realization leads to last minute price slashing with mixed results. Wouldn’t it be nice each year to be ahead of the curve and guarantee a larger percentage of bookings?

Studies have shown (Framingham Heart Study) that men who regularly vacation are 32% less likely to die of heart related illnesses compared to men who do not take a regular vacation. What’s worse is that women who don’t vacation twice a year are 8 times MORE likely to suffer from a heart related illness. These studies reinforce the notion that happier, healthier people across the board, know that rest and relaxation are vital to their health.

The question is: are you capturing every demographic the correct way? 

Today’s marketing tools make it easier than ever to target specific demographics:

Facebook Targeted Ads– Facebook ads have come a long way in terms of targeting. Users of Facebook today are revealing more and more information within their own profiles that Facebook has tactfully gained access to who each user is. If one bedroom condos are a large part of your inventory still in stock, the ability to create an ad specifically toward those in relationships with less than 2 children as well as including the unmarried and married with less than 2 children, ensures that those in your target segment are the only ones who are viewing such an ad.

Facebook Post Targeting– Did you know you can cater a post to specific demographics? Much like Facebook ads, specific post targeting allows you to display certain posts to current fans that you wish to capture. Suppose there are a number of units you’d like to see booked for an upcoming weekend. Depending on your vacation rental price points, wouldn’t it make sense to target to those solely within a day’s drive? Creating a targeted post highlighting this facet has the potential to yield higher results.
