How to Work Remotely During the Holidays

Posted on Categories Working Remotely
woman working remotely from pool

The holidays are here! Which means balancing work and upcoming holiday celebrations. Here, you can learn 5 simple tips for how to successfully work remotely during the holidays and crush this holiday season!

1. Remember your chargers

There’s nothing worse than working away and getting this message:

You reach for your charger, and it hits you like a ton of bricks…. you forgot it at home. Now what? Save yourself the heartburn and double-check that you packed a charger for your phone, computer, and any other devices that you need during travel. You can even purchase a portable power bank as a backup if an outlet isn’t nearby. It is a good idea to charge all of your devices before you leave so you’re starting off at 100%.

2. Find a place without distractions

Finding a quiet place with as few distractions as possible is key. If you’re traveling somewhere with an office or spare bedroom, you’ll likely get more work done than sitting at the kitchen table or couch with friends or family. You will also be able to focus and finish your work faster this way than with constant distractions. Then once you’re done – go and enjoy your time with everyone!

woman working by Christmas tree with coffee

3. Download files in advance

WiFi is great! When it works…. Spotty connections can be frustrating. Downloading files and presentations in advance will allow you to work offline if you can’t get connected.

4. Schedule time off and update your calendar

If you’re planning a trip that’s 1/2 work, 1/2 play – make sure you schedule your time in advance. Take some time for yourself, and try to actually unplug. Give yourself a break and enjoy some time without thinking about work, checking your email, and firing up your computer. Plus, let everyone know you’re taking time off. Block off your calendar and update your status on any remote team apps. Hopefully, your teammates will be less likely to reach out (unless it’s actually an emergency). Learn more about 4 steps to a stress-free morning.

5. Scope out your internet options in advanced

Are you staying somewhere with WiFi? Hotels and resorts usually provide you with login information, but does your Uncle Eddie remember his WiFi password, or is his connection actually stable? Enable a personal hot spot on your phone or bring a Mi-Fi device if you’re not sure you can rely on the internet connection during your travels.

man on computer on airplane


Check for final items you might use to work remotely during the holidays. Do you need a wireless mouse, a notepad and pen, earbuds (and charger), physical documents, etc? Do a final sweep of your office or desk before you run out the door to enjoy your trip.

The holidays are a wonderful time to travel and see friends, family, or take time to relax alone. The flexibility of being able to work remotely has opened up a lot of options. We at ICND would like to wish you a very happy holiday season, wherever you are! Want to learn more about how to transition into working remotely: with a free set of tools?