Is your website getting loads of traffic and not generating sales?
According to the US internet population will reach 200 million users in 2009. How much traffic is your website getting? Though you must break down your industry and your market share of the target audience; are you getting enough traffic to your website to reach your sales goals? Of the total number of visitors your are getting, how many of them convert? A conversion can be defined as a sale of a product, an inquiry, or a sign up.
If you aren't clear on your traffic numbers or even how many of them are actually converting, start by looking at your web analytics. We recommend Google Analytics. This software safely and accurately records visitor sessions and shows a plethora of useful information that you can analyze and keep track of – and its FREE! ICND would be happy to install Google Analytics on your website at no cost to you. Simply schedule a free Search Engine Optimization (SEO) consultation, and we'll work on the details for your Google Analytics install then. It would be our pleasure.
Here are some key metrics you want to find and monitor:
Monthly visitors (if you can compare to last year even better) – New and repeat
Visitor Geographics – Map overlay
Visitor Source Breakdown – Search Engines, Direct Traffic, and Referring Sites – shows the number of click through traffic
Pages per visit – average number of pages your visitors view
Average time on site – average time spent on your site before exiting
Bounce rate – number of visitors that found your site irrelevant and clicked off your site – standard is to stay below 40%
Conversion rate – the number of visitors that found your site and converted to sales
Analyzing your website analytics is vital when trying to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your current website. But it can be a bit cumbersome at first. So, feel free to call 866-249-6095 or email us and our professional internet marketing team will walk you through everything you need to get started, from installing the analytics to reading the results. We can set up convesion goals that will automatically "count" the behavior of your web traffic, as well as set up alerts that will automatically email you reports.
Don't forget to check back in next month for Part II of Harnassing the Power of your Website.