When it comes to designing a new website for a client or perhaps "redesigning" an existing one – choosing the right stock photography for a project is often a step that either gets rushed or many times completely overlooked. Of course its always best to have original photography supplied by a client that actually shows their company, clients, brand, etc – (and even better if its professionally shot ) – but if it were always that easy, there wouldn't be an ever growing list of Stock Photography websites starting up every day across the internet.
The truth is, most small to medium size businesses don't have professional quality photos of their company – and often times its not necessarily that important depending on the specific industry of that company. Therefore, using stock photography to help "fill in the blanks" for photos on a website is often a cost efficient and logical step in the design process.
But two of the biggest problems with using stock photography often shows up when a client wants to either A) mix their original photos (often times taken themselves) with stock photos they find online, or B) choose such a diverse style of stock photos that it makes creating a cohesive brand/style near impossible once the design phase begins.
We will go into more depth and detail later on with how to choose the right stock photography for your project – but below demonstrates how using photos in the same series/style helps create a cohesive and uniform look as compared to choosing random stock photos that are chosen at random and not taking into consideration how it'll mix with the others…